The meeting went well today and we are moving along well inside the house.
The window trim is being installed and the tile installer has been preparing the floor in our bedroom.
I had to finalise the tile selections so they can be ordered.
I have been waiting to find out if I can use a reverse, silver leafed glass tile on the fireplace surround in the bedroom.
In case it is not advisable I am going to use the silvery version of the tile I am using in one of the powder rooms. It is a pearl relief porcelain with a very luscious finish.
In the powder room I was planning on using the 24x24 pearl string tile on the lower part of the wall, bringing the height to 48". The tile can be installed so that each strand of pearls link together. The tile has a string of pearls, in relief and a "shadow," (minus the shoe print)on the flat surface.
The beaded pearl tiles are 9 1/2 x 21 1/2 and will be laid vertical, above. I haven't decided on the trim pieces yet.
Update: Good thing I hadn't made up my mind completely about these pearl tiles. After discussing these tiles with my friend, author, Michael Tonello (paperback edition of "Bringing Home The Birkin" soon to be released) I have changed my mind.
Michael questioned whether I was committed to these tiles, and I knew immediately what he meant.
I had been thinking all night about how these tiles would look,and would I be able to live with them for the rest of my life? I am of the mind that tiles are not something you want to change every five or ten years, and more likely never.
I love the pearl bead tiles; but I was on the fence about the pearl string tile. I told Michael I was waiting on a price, and they look better in real life but pretty cheesy on my blog.
Michael said they remind him of "a 70's Italian hotel bathroom."
As soon as I heard that, I had to agree. lol Thanks Michael, you saved me a pile of dough!
The pearl bead tiles are $80.00 CDN. a sq. ft. and there is no way I am going to do a whole powder room in them for that price! I still don't have a price for the other tile; but the point is rather moot now.