Sunday, September 13, 2009


August 6th site pictures show that the property is finally greening up. These photos were taken after the two solar panels were installed; but prior to the installation of the four solar trackers.
Several days after the solar trackers went up, a very severe weather system hit us and destroyed two of the trackers. It was too muddy to walk over to take pictures.

I am so tired of this building project, and I find it hard to keep motivated. I've packed up so many boxes, and I'm getting a little overwhelmed.
Summer is almost over, though we hardly even noticed it arrived. That past two years have been a blur of bad weather.
We've had record amounts of rain; yet this is the first grass we've managed to grow in two years! lol.
It will probably never rain again, now that we have the hill stabilised, and a multitude of drains.
The last photo was photo shopped by our foreman to make the rivets less visible and the grass greener.
Isn't the grass always greener? lol.


Lord Cowell said...

Wow, what a most amazing project. I am sure that I will be glued to its progress. David.

No Sacrifice Bags said...

Thanks for stopping by David. I will be glued to your progress as well,and I sure hope yours goes a whole lot better!
